Tummy Tuck

How to Clean Your Belly Button After a Tummy Tuck
After a tummy tuck, the area around your belly button can look crusty and swollen. It can take six months to heal, and the belly button may continue to protrude for weeks. You may also feel a prominent scar behind your naval, or feel blood at the incision site. In order to minimize the chance of infection, you should carefully clean your belly button after surgery.

Getting a designer belly button after a tummy tuck
Getting a designer belly button after tummy tuck surgery requires proper aftercare. You should make sure you follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions to ensure the best possible results. Your surgeon will advise you on the proper ways to clean the area and apply ointments to prevent irritation. Although you may be tempted to follow some of the tips offered on the Internet to improve the shape of your belly button, these tips will only cause you to risk your results.

A true tummy tuck is a procedure that involves combining art and science. The surgeon makes an incision on the abdominal skin and separates the belly button from the surrounding skin. The new location of the belly button will be slightly higher than the original position, but the button will remain attached to the stalk in the abdominal muscles. The plastic surgeon uses a combination of science and artistry to sculpt your new designer belly button.

Care for the area around the belly button
After a tummy tuck, the skin around the belly button may be folded up to deepen the stalk. Most women have their midline tummy muscles tightened, which pulls the skin around the belly button inward. The longer the stalk, the easier it will be to close. If the stalk is too long, the surgeon may trim it. Afterward, it should be as natural looking as possible.

While abdominal surgery can make the thighs, hips, and abdomen look better, it may leave the belly button area with excess skin. This extra skin often collects around the belly button, creating ripples and folds that can make a person feel self-conscious. To remedy this issue, a tummy tuck procedure can help smooth out the excess skin around the belly button.

Symptoms of infection after a tummy tuck
After a tummy tuck, you may experience some swelling and pain after surgery. You may experience pain and numbness, but the majority of patients love their new look and feel more confident about their body. However, some people may develop an infection. In the rare cases, an infection can lead to a high fever, so you should be very cautious and consult a doctor immediately.

The surgical site can also develop seroma, which is an accumulation of fluid underneath the skin. This can cause a tender bulge or swollen lump. If this happens, contact your plastic surgeon immediately. To prevent infection, patients should stop taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications for at least 10 days before surgery. Taking non-prescription herbal and dietary supplements may also increase the risk of surgical bleeding.

Recovery time
The recovery period after a tummy tuck can vary greatly depending on the procedure you have had. During this time, you should avoid strenuous activity until your incisions heal. Painkillers and antibiotics are given to decrease the risk of postoperative infection. You should keep your blood circulation moving by moving around, and avoid sitting still. After two to three weeks, you should be able to return to light physical activity, such as light housework and driving. However, you may need to take it slow and gradually reposition yourself when you wake up.

The recovery period for a tummy tuck varies. It depends on the type of surgery you have and your overall health. You should take at least two weeks off work. However, if your job requires a great deal of physical activity, it may take three to four weeks off work. You should also expect to be out of work for about two weeks after surgery. The procedure will leave you unable to drive or lift heavy objects for several weeks.

Scars following a tummy tuck surgery are expected, but how do you care for tummy tuck them? Different techniques can improve the appearance of scars. Home remedies, laser treatments and surgery are all options to minimize scars. However, they can hinder your enjoyment of your new body. If you're concerned about the scars, make an appointment with the Surgery team. After all, you don't want to live with them forever!

First, stay out of the sun and avoid sun exposure. Sunlight can permanently darken the healing scar. Wear a hat when going outside, and protect yourself from direct sunlight. Also, avoid smoking and sexual activity for six weeks after tummy tuck a tummy tuck. The surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions to help you recover. Scars can appear a bit different in each person, and it is possible to reduce or tummy tuck even completely eliminate them.

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